Connect with King Solomon, Your Personal Virtual Wisdom Guide, to get challenge updates, notifications, and the opportunity to win daily prizes!
Gather with thousands of Wisdom Challenge participants from all over the world as we seek the Lord together for fresh vision and direction going into this new year. By the end of this workshop, you will have greater clarity and/or confirmation on your purpose and the most import Kingdom assignment(s) you are to be focusing on this year.
During this daily 30-minute call, you'll have the opportunity to submit questions and meet other Kingdom-minded people like you from around the world! The backstage pass is something you don't want to miss!
January 3rd immediately after the main session, join Pedro Adao and motivational speaker, Eric Thomas (ET The Hip Hop Preacher) backstage for a powerful 2024 goal setting workshop.
In this live 3-day workshop 8-Figure Kingdom Entrepreneur, Pedro Adao, will share with you how to prosper in your finances like never before as you learn and apply the Kingdom Wealth Formula. Pedro is multi-millionaire and 20 year veteran of the finanical services industry and whayt you will learn and
experience in these 3 short days will revolutionize how you think about your life, the kingdom, and money forever.
Our digital and printable journal is your perfect companion for this 31 day Wisdom Challenge! Habakkuk 2:2-3 says “Write down the vision and make it plain”. Over this 31 day challenge, not only will you get revelation and insights on the proverb for the day, you will be able to write down what the voice of Wisdom is speaking to you! We believe lady wisdom will make herself known to you through this challenge!
To Help You Understand How To Best Apply What You Learn At The Workshop To your Unique Situation. This Bonus Alone Has Proven To Be Invaluable!
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